Fabiola da Silva: The Unsung Trailblazer

Before Sarah Thomas ever took the field. Before Alyssa Nakken ever claimed the dugout. Before Ronda Rousey ever threw a punch. Before Danica Patrick ever got behind the wheel. Before Mo’ne Davis was even born. Before some of the most inspirational women in sports proved they are just as capable as men, Fabiola da Silva achieved what many of them likely never will.

Answer me this:
What other physically demanding sport has integrated gender competition? What other woman was so dominate at their sport the league had to change the rules to give them a greater challenge?

Fabiola didn’t just carve out a space for herself in a male dominated sport, she made them carve it for her.

The Fabiola Rule

In 2000, with the number of entrees in woman’s tournaments dwindling, and Fabby’s absolute dominance over those who did enter, she forced the hand of the ASA (Aggressive Skaters Association) to create what is now known as "The Fabiola Rule", allowing women to compete in the formerly all-male vert competition.

Fabiola da Silva has received 8 X-Games medals (7 gold, 1 silver), making her the most decorated female athlete in X-Games history. In a seven-year stretch, she only lost one X-Games event, finishing second in 1999, and in 2005, and became the first woman ever to land the double back flip on a vert ramp.


Using the almighty power of Google, search for women who broke down barriers in sports, or inspirational women in sports, or some variation thereof. You'll get dozens, if not hundreds, of list from around the internet. And yet, Fabiola da Silva is nowhere to be found on any of them. More so, most of the women you do find on these lists aren’t even athletes, they’re either coaches or media personalities.

But setting that aside, let’s revisit my original questions:
What other physically demanding sport has integrated gender competition? Not to undermine the achievements of these other women, but the physical demands of Nascar driving and vert skating are not even comparable.
What other woman was so dominate at their sport the league had to change the rules to give them a greater challenge? … I honestly don’t know of any.

No other female athlete has had a more game-changing impact on their respective sport than Fabby. But sadly, recency bias, combined with a sport that the majority of women don't follow, have led to her unparalleled achievements going unrecognized in the wider world. Fabiola da Silva is the trailblazer not even feminists know about.


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